Rose Bay is one of the sweetest places in Nova Scotia. These 2 trees welcome us every visit. Their endurance against the raw NS coastline & their beauty seem symbolic of this place. Resilient and beautiful
Nasturtiums are always a part of our garden. Several varieties make an appearance - from trailing to dwarf. Their happy faces and gorgeous leaves delight all summer long
For Ukraine - I have painted this jug full of sunflowers several times. It never fails me. Like the world, my heart is breaking for the people of Ukraine.
Green Vase - I can't remember where I purchased this small glass vase but every summer it makes an appearance as flowers start to bloom in the garden. Nothing prettier than a small collection of joyful, fragrant sweet peas.
Back Alley - my first winter scene. A back alley photo from Calgary. When I lived in Calgary, the back alleys were new to me. I never really saw much beauty in them. This painting showed me there is beauty everywhere - if we just look.
Hopeful - is there a more joyful flower than tulips? I think not. When they poke their heads up out of soil, it heralds the hope of Spring.
"Where Will it Lead?"
I first painted this path 'en plain air' in France. It still gives me joy and I believe, helps me find my way as a painter. 12x12 oil on gallery canvas.SOLD"Ribbons of Poppies
A little looser than usual but this really captures the feel of France's glorious poppy fields. 12x12 in oil. SOLD.